Udacity Design of Computer Programsのメモ


fill_in2に'ODD +ODD = EVEN'のような引数を渡して実行すると、適当に数字を埋めて'3+3 = 6'のような文字列を返してくれる。


import re
import itertools
import string

def compile_formula(formula, verbose=False):
"""Compile formula into a function. Also return letters found, as a str,
in same order as parms of function. The first digit of a multi-digit
number can't be 0. So if YOU is a word in the formula, and the function
is called with Y eqal to 0, the function should return False."""

# modify the code in this function.
letters = ''.join(set(re.findall('[A-Z]', formula)))
firstletters = set(re.findall(r'\b([A-Z])[A-Z]',formula))
parms = ', '.join(letters)
tokens = map(compile_word, re.split('([A-Z]+)', formula))
body = ''.join(tokens)
if firstletters:
tests = ' and '.join(L+'!=0' for L in firstletters)
body = '%s and (%s)' % (tests, body)
f = 'lambda %s: %s' % (parms, body)
if verbose: print(f)
return eval(f), letters

def compile_word(word):
"""Compile a word of uppercase letters as numeric digits.
E.g., compile_word('YOU') => '(1*U+10*O+100*Y)'
Non-uppercase words uncahanged: compile_word('+') => '+'"""
if word.isupper():
terms = [('%s*%s' % (10 ** i, d))
for (i, d) in enumerate(word[::-1])]
return '(' + '+'.join(terms) + ')'
return word

def faster_solve(formula):
"""Given a formula like 'ODD + ODD == EVEN', fill in digits to solve it.
Input formula is a string; output is a digit-filled-in string or None.
This version precompiles the formula; only one eval per formula."""
f, letters = compile_formula(formula)
for digits in itertools.permutations((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0), len(letters)):
if f(*digits) is True:
table = str.maketrans(letters, ''.join(map(str, digits)))
return formula.translate(table)
except ArithmeticError:

def test():
assert faster_solve('A + B == BA') == None # should NOT return '1 + 0 == 01'
assert faster_solve('YOU == ME**2') == ('289 == 17**2' or '576 == 24**2' or '841 == 29**2')
assert faster_solve('X / X == X') == '1 / 1 == 1'
return 'tests pass'
